Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices . 工资提高后减轻了物价上涨对我们的影响。
We are getting a wage increase of 40 a year , before tax . big deal ! 我们工资一年涨40英镑,未扣除所得税,有什么了不起。
When the operators granted a 10 percent wage increase and made other concessions in october 1900, mitchell gladly called off the strike . 当1900年10月资方答应提高工资百分之十和作出其它让步时,米切尔欣然取消罢工。
Both workers and employers might be expected to agree to large wage increases in times of low employment than in times of high unemployment . 工人和雇主都会赞成,在失业率低的时候,工资增长得多一些,失业率高的时候,工资增长得少一些。
The railroad workers have asked for a wage increase 铁路工人要求增加工资。